Monday 6 June 2011
Monday 18 October 2010
Bankroll Management Buy Ins
PRO | Protected | UnProtected | |
NL Holdem Cash | 45 Buy Ins | 25 Buy Ins | 15 Buy Ins |
SnG | 65 Entries | 45 Entries | 20 Entries |
MTT | 200 Entries | 100 Entries | 40 Entries |
Limit Holdem Cash | 550 Big Bets | 400 Big Bets | 200 Big Bets |
Wednesday 1 September 2010
Thursday 19 August 2010
Friday 21 May 2010
Bankroll building with SNGs. Start with $32.50
NOTE: This is an AGGRESSIVE bankroll building strategy for the recreational player.
Ok, this is a 7 step strategy for building a good bankroll playing SNGs starting with $32.50.
This strategy is for 9 player Turbo SNGs at FullTilt
LEVEL 1: $6.50
$6.50 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $6.50 = $32.50 + $12 (next level 1 buyin)
LEVEL 2: $12
Play this LEVEL when balance is $44.50 MINIMUM for 1 SNG @ $12 and 5 @ $6.50 only.
$12 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $12 = $60 + $32.50 = $92.50 + $24 (next level 1 buyin)
If you increase your balance, keep playing this level until you have reached a minimum balance of $116.50 and then start playing LEVEL 3.
If you LOSE and your balance is LESS than $44.50, you MUST go back down to LEVEL 1
LEVEL 3: $24
Play this LEVEL when balance is $116.50 MINIMUM for 1 SNG @ $24, 5 @ $11 AND 5 @ $6.50 only.
$24 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $25 = $120 + $60 + $32.50 = $212.50 + $36 (next level 1 buyin)
If you increase your balance, keep playing this level until you have reached a minimum balance of $248.50 and then start playing LEVEL 4.
If you LOSE and your balance is LESS than $116.50, you MUST go back down to LEVEL 2
LEVEL 4: $36
Play this LEVEL when balance is $248.50 MINIMUM for 1 SNG @ $36, 5 @ $24, 5 @ $12 and 5 @ $6.50 only.
$36 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $36 = $180 + $120 + $60 +$32.50 = $392.50 + $60 (next level 1 buyin)
If you increase your balance, keep playing this level until you have reached a minimum balance of $452.50 and then start playing LEVEL 5.
If you LOSE and your balance is LESS than $248.50 you MUST go back down to LEVEL 3
LEVEL 5: $60
Play this LEVEL when balance is $452.50 MINIMUM for 1 SNG @ $60, 5 @ $36, 5 @ $24, 5 @ $12 and 5 @ $6.50 only.
$60 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $60 = $300 + $180 + $120 + $60 +$32.50 = $692.50 + $119 (next level 1 buyin)
If you increase your balance, keep playing this level until you have reached a minimum balance of $811.50 and then start playing LEVEL 6.
If you LOSE and your balance is LESS than $452.50 you MUST go back down to LEVEL 4
LEVEL 6: $119
Play this LEVEL when balance is $811.50 MINIMUM for 1 SNG @ $119, 5 @ $60, 5 @ $36, 5 @ $24, 5 @ $12 and 5 @ $6.50 only.
$119 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $119 = $595 + $300 + $180 + $120 + $60 +$32.50 = $1287.50 + $236 (next level 1 buyin)
If you increase your balance, keep playing this level until you have reached a minimum balance of $1523.50 and then start playing LEVEL 7.
If you LOSE and your balance is LESS than $811.50 you MUST go back down to LEVEL 5
LEVEL 7: $236
Play this LEVEL when balance is $1523.50 MINIMUM for 1 SNG @ $236, 5 @ $119, 5 @ $60, 5 @ $36, 5 @ $24, 5 @ $12 and 5 @ $6.50 only.
$236 Turbo SNG needed 5 X $236 = $1180 + $595 + $300 + $180 + $120 + $60 +$32.50 = $2467.50
Monday 10 May 2010
Saturday 13 March 2010
PKR Masters TV December 26th, 2009 FINAL TABLE (commentary by Dan "PKR Danski" Grant and Neil Wright).
My player name on PKR is: pokerinvest
I finished this tournament in 6th place for a $4000 win.